Monday, February 25, 2008

Rubin-feld-like it's time to come back

Good morning... What can I get for you?

In a time of slaughtering even the sacred cows, there sure are a lot of circa "planning for growth" ex-Starbucks players making their way back into the fold. Perhaps it's a class reunion of sorts... You know... guy gets old... starts to remember what it was like to play basketball when he was in his 20's... wants to rekindle that loving feeling with an old flame... then he looks down and discovers a potbelly... and some wrinkles... and he can't get it up anymore without assistance (by "it" I mean store sales).

Yes... Starbucks is officially in a mid-life crisis.

I can't help but daydream of the behind the scenes conference calls and conversations that have taken place in local Seattle hot spots... the wining... the dining... the talk of old times... then the awkward silence as someone says... "Hey, if I paid you a Porsche-load, would you come back? I'm in a bit of a pinch." Oh, how many bottles of the HS private collection of Petrvs have been uncorked to tantalize some big names from Starbucks past? How many sips of the Vin Santo followed by biscotti bites have taken place in the last few months to help set the stage for recovering the feel that Starbucks once was.

Still... Rubinfeld is a great choice. It was a huge loss when he was gone and now is coming back to help... perhaps to help the SSC partners who are still awaiting some specifics on how to accomplish the promises of The Great One... C'mon... look around folks... there's still a couple of roles that will be filled soon... can YOU guess who they are? And no... it's not the little man on 6 with a "talent" of "managing" to stay around without actually producing anything.

On a side note... Tomorrow the company will spend around 8 million in labor while producing no dollars in sales for 3 hours to give the company's sales and service the "breast lift" it needs to pull more customers in... Now that's how you lipsticking the pig...

We'll see you sometime for something...

Pat Nerr...

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