Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Crap

Good morning... What can I get for you?

This morning, I think I'll share a memory of Christmas time at the SSC. The SSC is a magical place during the holidays. All of the sweeping staircases are trimmed in holiday garland and red holiday bows to signify the coming of the Baby Jesus... or Santa... either one... SSC partners can be seen sipping samples of XMAS BLEND (SKU 387) and Bliss Bars... why, if you listen closely you can hear the frustration levels rising as someone steams a little eggnog without properly aerating it...

There were three things that always spelled 'The Holidays" for me as an SSC partner... The first one was the arrival of the Christmas Crap. It was a tradition for the "Bossman' to whittle, glue and nail together little wooden knickknacks for our cubicles. Each has it's own theme or holiday message. The first year had two little wooden baristas (arm in arm) and a little inspirational message that said... "Starbucks made us partners, Prozac made us friends". Ahhhh... Wooden Christmas Crap.

The second item that spelled Christmas was the departmental white elephant/luncheon. They started out as off site gatherings in a local restaurant... then turned into catered luncheons with a departmental gift... then to box lunch and bring a gag gift. In any form, they were always memorable. Take last years' for instance... oh wait, I didn't go to that one.

A few years ago at the luncheon a gift showed up at the white elephant that I think set the tone for the subsequent "celebrations". Someone gave out a faux-signed Yanni CD complete with Linda Evans signature on it. Each year afterward, another "Linda Evans" signature item usually showed up. I'm wondering if this year someone will give the signed Portlock Smoked Salmon... Hmmm...

The last item that spelled Christmas was the HR Holiday party... If memory serves me correctly, the first year I was at the SSC the party was at one of leaders' Mercer Island homes... the second was held at a restaurant on the South end of Lake Union... the third was on Lake Union (different restaurant and theme)... the next couple were at a local "club' complete with karaoke and chicken skewers. The last few have been canceled and I'm sure this years' won't even be suggested.

For you readers out there... and baristas... You should know that HR Christmas parties at Starbucks were always responsible. Each partner was given just two drink tickets for the night. Which were then bartered or sold between the drinkers, religious folks and pregnant ladies... I can't remember anyone doing anything too bad... but then I had my own roll of drink tickets.

Yes... it was fun times around the holidays... Hey, come back tomorrow and I'll tell you about the Holiday Helper program... It's the holidays and you should know about such things.


Pat Nerr...

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