Monday, December 10, 2007

Just Say Yes...

Good morning... What can I get for you?

I hope you had a good weekend... and got your Christmas decorations up... or whatever you decorate for. You know my stance on the holidays...

Today is the kickoff of "Starbucks Positivity Week"... Forget about just keeping the lights on... waiting for approval on your open positions... non-existent holiday parties at the SSC and all of that other nonsense. We're going back to basics...

Let's start with customer service. Over the years, the term "Just Say Yes" has been used and abused at Starbucks to portray a customer service methodology. Multiple interpretations have led to many a confused customer... and partner for that matter.

I think you should look at the simplicity of that statement and treat it as was intended. Just SAY YES... it's a customer... they bring money... multiple times a week... treat them as they should be... as valuable as the product you sell.

I happened to learn "Just Say Yes" from the master... and it always stuck with me.

It was day two of the first store I worked at... day two for business... it was a new store. As any new store experiences, there were some hiccups. Our happened to be a malfunctioning bar. I started my shift at 10am to the news that the bar was down. So, I took my till and bellied up to the register. At 10:15, a bearded man in a sweater walked up to my register and ordered a latte. Here's how it went...

Pat: Good morning... What can I get for you?

Bearded Man: A tall latte please.

Pat: I'm sorry sir... our bar is malfunctioning right now.

Bearded Man: And??

Pat: ...and I can offer you drip coffee...

Bearded Man: And?

Pat: ...a French Press of whatever coffee you like?

Bearded Man: And?

Pat: Hey Maggie... what else can I offer this guy since our bar is down?

Bearded Man: Alright... you were on the right track. I'd like you to repeat these words. "Just Say Yes"... When your bar is down, you do whatever you have to do to surprise that customer to make them enthusiastic about returning for that latte they didn't get... Now, I'll take you up on the French Press... and I'd like Sanani...

Pat: Sounds good... I'll have that for you in 4 minutes... Would you like a sample of butterhorn while you wait?

Bearded Man: Sure. How come you didn't bat an eye when I ordered the most expensive coffee?

Pat: Just say yes...

Bearded Man: Nice... but, I would have offered a free drink coupon as well. Just to make sure that I come back.

So, the man leaves and I ask my manager... "Who the hell was that?" Her response... That was Howard Behar.

I'll leave you with this...

We'll see you tomorrow for your usual...

Pat Nerr...

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