Friday, December 7, 2007

No... Thank you (a lesbian tale)

Good morning... What can I get for you?

I've heard your voting so far, so here comes a partner AND a customer story for you.

At one time, I had a partner named Beth. Beth is one of the kindest and most patient people you'd want to know. Definitely the demeanor you want to have as a barista. There wasn't anything to not like about her. At least so I thought.

Beth was... I mean is, a lesbian. So let me explain how the customer finds their way into this story. It seems that the neighborhood I was in was pretty conservative. This one particular customer happened to be on the conservative side. She was also a pain in the ass. We did everything to please her... from getting her a special bottle of "cane sugar-based vanilla syrup" to appeasing her need to have the baristas make everything over regardless. As the manager, I decided to model "stroking her ego" to keep her as a customer because I realized that she'd bad mouth us at my local Tully's at her stop there.

So one day I get a call from "Kim"... that's her name... and she "needs to talk to me immediately". I ask if we can do it over the phone... she says "no... this has to be right now". Granted, I'm at home and I'm done for the day.

Yes... you read that right. What can I say... this is sometimes what happens to store managers. They get calls at home... from customers who are phone book savvy.

So, I haul myself the 12 miles into the store to meet with Kim. Here's how the conversation went.

Kim: You have a lesbian on your staff.

Pat: Yes, Kim, I have a couple... I've met all of their partners and they're just like you and me (mental thought at the time: at least like me...)

Kim: Oh my GOD! This can't happen. When I was in the store earlier, I got in line behind Beth and what I thought was her friend... but then they started kissing. I don't want my daughter seeing that. I mean, what if she sees that and then decides she wants to be a lesbian?

Pat: Kim... I like you. (not really) The store partners like you (not really) most importantly, Beth likes you (not really)... We'd love to keep you as a customer (sort of), but I understand if you're not comfortable with Beth. You see... Beth can do what she likes when she's not working. She's a customer like you. In fact, I'd say the same thing to her if she came to me and said she was offended by you kissing your husband in public (which she had done many times in line at my store). Now, I really hope that you can get past this and realize that Beth is good people and that watching someone kiss someone of the same sex doesn't rub off on another person.

Kim: So, you're really not going to do anything about this?

Pat: Kim, I already ditched the dinner I made to drive 12 miles from my house back here to talk with you in person. The conversation was important, but you're right... I'm not going to do anything about this but give you a drink and thank you for bringing it to my attention and hope that you see Beth as the great person she is and not as a social outcast... which she's not.

So that was that... I never told Beth of the exchange, but I know that it got back to her. I know because she left me a note one time that just said "thank you". I wish I'd thought of this back then, but I should have left her a note that said... "No... Thank you"

One more thing before I head off. I KNOW we have more SSC readers here than what's reflected in the polls... C'mon, fess up.

We'll see you on Monday for your usual... Kiss a lesbian this weekend it'll be good for you.

Pat Nerr...

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